Into The Morning Sky


Nama Band                  : Into The Morning Sky
Genre                   : Rock / Screamo / Metalcore
Tanggal Berdiri  : 14 Maret 2011
Alamat                 : Kafe Kebun Kita, Jalan Malabar, Bogor.
Personil                : Musa – Vocals
                               Eca – Guitars / Vocals
                               Fanfan – Guitars / Vocals
Contact Person    : Beniaz (+6285656710324)
Website                :

Into The Morning Sky was born in the early of March 2011 in Bogor, West Java, Indonesia. The name itself means ‘a new hope’ or ‘a brighter tomorrow’ as they were already ‘stuck’ with their old bands and decided to start it all over again from the beginning, and of course they will not going to stuck again this time. They’re not ‘labeled’ their kind of music, but you might hear this band like a ‘Screamo’ band with religious lyrics or something. So just leave it to your ears to judge…

Into The Morning Sky lahir pada awal bulan Maret 2011 di Bogor, Jawa Barat, Indonesia. Nama itu sendiri bermakna 'harapan baru' atau 'hari esok yang lebih cerah' karena mereka sudah terjebak dengan band lama mereka dan memutuskan untuk memulai semuanya lagi dari awal, dan tentu saja mereka tidak akan mau terjebak lagi kali ini. Mereka tidak memberi label jenis musik mereka, tetapi kalian mungkin akan mendengar band ini seperti band Screamodengan lirik yang religious atau sejenisnya. Jadi biarkan telinga kalian saja yang menilai...

Into The Morning Sky - The Foremost by depanMonitor


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